How can any nation have the temerity to believe itself to be civilised, much less "christian", when this barbarity is any part of its legal system?

Compare the legal systems of the UK or other Westminster type democracies. Seems you would be better off had you not rebelled against a king and yet inherited a system that has the ability to produce tyrants.

Coupled with the deep-rooted stain of slavery.

And a nation awash with guns.

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God damn, I thought we were beyond this shit, or at least on our way beyond it. It sickens me that we are so nearly in the same place we were so many decades ago. And that the same small, weak, pathetic, nasty, vicious people are still running things in the Bible belt. White religious nationalism is a scourge on our country. We must not be cowed by people who claim the moral high ground in the name of "gawd" as they perpetuate the sins of all-too-human hatred, fear, and cowardice. Local enforcement of racial hatred and its (somewhat) color-blind partner, hatred of women, are powerful and are entrenched in White religious communities, whose "spiritual leaders" perpetuate it.. We must fight hard against this. Fuck religion, fuck white nationalism, fuck racism, fuck misogyny. Fuck the people who profit off perpetuation of propaganda among our sadly illiterate and gullible people.

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Noel, i may have missed it but did anyone appeal on Williams’ behalf for a pardon from President Biden ?

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I’m not a lawyer but it was a state crime, POTUS can grant pardons only for federal death row prisoners. In Marcellus Williams’ case it was the State of Missouri that put him to death.

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Murder in the name of justice is a craven act facilitated by the very worst among us, throwbacks to those who cheered lynchings. May karma be slow and painful.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Noel Casler

The execution of Marcellus Williams was a crime. I honestly couldn't believe it when I heard.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Noel Casler

Your words. What can I say. Your words are so Powerful. So true. I hope they reach the right people. Vote Blue.

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