Donald Trump’s campaign is clearly foundering in the the closing hours of what can only be described as one of the darkest and most despicable chapters in modern American politics.
Trump is the most deeply unwell individual to run for POTUS in our nation’s history. His mental instability is on display for all the world to see night after night in the waning days of this election season.
The fact that he has had such a tight grip on not only his party but a large chunk of the electorate is staggering when you think about the fact that the GOP once prided itself on being the party of national security and military strength.
There has been no weaker man in the eyes of our adversaries than Donald Trump.
They bought him early and they bought him cheaply when you consider the dividends they have received.
Putin alone had the man eating out of his hand and repeating Kremlin lies to the world’s press in Helsinki about election interference - that Russia has weaponized within our country now for three election cycles.
They only get away with that if Donald Trump is the nominee; everyone in the GOP knows it and worse, they don’t care.
They are all in the foreign influence-money themselves or blinded by their own ambitions, like the execrable Mike Johnson, who is doing all he can - once again - to help hand Donald Trump the election when he loses the popular vote and the electoral college on Tuesday. Just like he did last time by launching fraudulent lawsuits on behalf of Donald Trump in 2020.
They won’t get away with it but their very actions will make the right-wing and much of our voting public once again look like fools in the process.
The fact that ANYONE would still vote for Trump after January 6th alone shows how deficient of morality and intellectualism much of our population has become.
That sort of ignorance, combined with extremist ‘Christian’ dogma made MAGA easy targets for Putin’s psy-ops and the billionaires that want to pilfer what is left of their birthrights as citizens.
Their willingness to so easily hand over the keys to our democracy to men like Elon Musk, or the beard-bros like JD Vance, who themselves are merely puppets on the strings of men like Peter Thiel and Putin should continue to alarm us.
It needs to face further scrutiny in the aftermath of this election.
Both Musk’s obvious election interference and the acquiescence of big tech and mainstream media are a flashing red light.
Trump will lose and it will certainly take a while to clean the dung out of the barn after he lopes off into the distance to spend his remaining days withering and drug-addled, wandering the mildewed halls of Mar-a-Lago shouting to strangers about what could have been.
His foggy stupor interrupted briefly with shards of anger as he intermittently receives news of how far he has truly fallen.
He will be mostly an afterthought and that is what he deserves - besides being made to face his myriad crimes, which I am certain will be first on the agenda of hopefully a new attorney general in the Harris Administration.
I, like many others, are tired of watching Trump get away with stuff that other men would already be in prison for; it’s time he faced the music.
I realize a stacked SCOTUS may mean he never sees the inside of a prison cell but I am still hoping there are many cold courtrooms in his near future.
Leaky and lecherous and barely lucid, shuffling through his liminal existence nothing will be left in his wake but ignominy, debt and defeat.
A man who took much from his country but gave nothing back - and convinced far too many of my fellow citizens that was an attribute - instead of a canker on the soul of America.
The Trump we have known would rather watch this country burn than prosper: that is why he was such a gift to Putin and all the other bad actors on this planet.
Their days are numbered too.
Democracy will march on and we will come back together stronger than we were before such an odious tyrant set forth to cleave us apart for his own grift and gain.
Trump put America down to look bigger in the eyes of our enemies.
The very essence of traitors is selfish desire wrapped in fear.
It’s is also a by-product of addictions and greed and all the other defects of character we have observed in Donald Trump day after exhausting day.
It’s almost over and we are blessed for it.
The page will turn and we will get back to pursuing progress and equanimity and live once again in a nation that bends towards justice.
A place where all are welcomed and afforded the same opportunities we would want for ourselves and our families.
We will move past the demonization of others and into the light of understanding - and sow the seeds of empathy where once there was rancor and hate.
It won’t be easy - nothing good ever is - but it will be worth it.
Because WE are worth it and so is the United States of America.
Vote Blue.
Thank you for such an exceptional piece, Noel.
I want to shout this from the rooftops! Thank you.