Having grown up in El Paso, I know Beto is the real deal. I expect he'll reemerge somewhere soon.

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Happy New Year Noel!!

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I'm still rooting for O'rourke to be the change agent you wrote about. I'm sure someone once said "Never give up on your dream because it just might be right around the next bend" . Happy New Year 2023 Noel!

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Took me a minute to figure out who you meant. LOL. Beto is the man!

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Great message for the start of 2023, Noel. "Performative masculinity" hit home as I received a religious Christmas family photo where the mom is sporting a Biden Happy Easter sweatshirt, with her children appearing in the family portrait. Great thing to teach young minds. Disrespect a sitting president and a good man. Praise the grifter. These were people that I didn't expect it from. They did move to Texas. All about guns and God now. Hypocrites! All the best to you in the New Year, Noel.

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I am having difficulty believing that any kind of justice for the ringleaders of January 6th (or any of the many crimes we’ve witnessed) will be happening at all. Someone else pointed out that we are numb and exhausted from the constant waves of BS we’ve been hit with since he came down that escalator. I agree completely. Thanks to you and a few others I’ve read, I have tied a knot in my rope and am just hanging on and doing my best to keep hope alive. Thank you for the information, the humor and the level headed thinking you’ve contributed to the fight. It is very much appreciated. Happy New Year to you and yours Noel. Tonight I’ll toast to scribes like you and for justice for the American people. Cheers 🎊

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Beginning the new year with hope as you suggest is brilliant and also the resiliency that walks by hopes side. Without it we are flattened. In some dark personal days, I was given hope by a close acquaintance. I was wished resiliency. I saw it was the key to finding the hope I lacked at the moment. When in the depths, it’s hard to see the light that guides. When my focus shifted slightly there was a better path.

Thank you Noel. Your words are always kind and thoughtful in a way that touches me, and it’s clear they touch many in inspiring more kindness and thoughtfulness. You have a gift for the times. Thanks for the space to be present for it.

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Thank you, Noel, for this stunning and comprehensive post today...I feel inspired by what you share, your gift for writing, and for this community here. In solidarity, hope, and love -Happy New Year!

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You too Noel, thank you for your continued brave fight. Have a good “Rutsch” (slide) as the Austrians call it, into 2023 🥳

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Ah Noel, your words are as always (again) perfect and very true.

I wish, oh how I wish, main stream media would give you a platform..to interview you and let your very observant truths on the mess that one Donald J Trump created, with the enthusiastic help from the God awful GOP...more people need to open their eyes, ears and hearts. Happy New Year to you all x

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Thank you! Always inspired by you.

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And New Year Blessings to you! Thank you for your thoughtful words. Always well-spoken and inspiring.

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Once again your writing points out the difference between a healthy masculinity and the toxic masculinity prevalent in the Grifter Party! Thank you for your acts of compassion and deep empathy.

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Always a well written understanding of our reality.

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Excellent piece, Noel. I think some of the complacency we witness arises from being numb and exhausted. We are being hit by wave after wave after wave of cruelty and evil. It’s nearly at the same pace and speed as it was under Trump. We need to regroup, renew, reunite, and strengthen our resolve to overcome it in the new year.

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Blessings to you Noel, and thank you for always shining a spotlight on the truth.

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Thanks as always, Noel 🙏🏼

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