Jun 15Liked by Noel Casler

With the debate less than two weeks away, I think Noel should debate the SHPOS (it's a term used in emergency rooms). How much fun would that be?!?!? First words are "sub human". Brilliant piece is an understatement.

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This is just so good. Brilliant

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Jun 15Liked by Noel Casler

👍 pretty good Noel, not much gives me the chuckles these days ...appreciate ya!

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Jun 17Liked by Noel Casler

He has a talent, no doubt!

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Jun 15Liked by Noel Casler

Spectacular writing!

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Jun 15Liked by Noel Casler

I admire you so much, Noel. 💙

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Jun 15Liked by Noel Casler

"Everything nobody wanted, all in one place."

So much in seven words.

Others have suggested/urged you to write a book. I join them. Have hope that "Chapter One" in this title indicates thinking in that direction.

Thank you, most of all, for telling us the stories that you know. And that matter. Invaluable.

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Brilliant writing, Noel 👏 👏👏

Thank you for your incredible eloquence! You really are a National Treasure ❣️

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Nice piece of poetry, Noel.

It bogles the mind how they’ve all lost track of the importance of preserving our fragile democracy. Traded it for the mumbled promises of revenge against those they hate or fear.

Their complacence with his stinking immorality is beyond understanding. Only the AntiChrist explains it.

The last rotting fruit in a bag of clementines, indeed! Only thing is, one rotten one can spoil the whole bunch or in this case, the whole world. He must be tossed out this November, with the rest of the trash.

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We are all bystanders in this heinous, I don’t know what to call it. Your accounting, really, has to be a complete picture at some point. You’ve seen the scene and can convey the real scene as it unfolded. It’s the movie I want to see. An old NYer, I recall Studio 54 and the rest. There was a scene and there was a scene beneath it. I don’t know why his casino days are ignored beyond the bankruptcies. 🙄 Be well, and thanks. You are a treasure.💙

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Jun 14Liked by Noel Casler

"Nobody cared enough to come by and place it on the compost pile so he just sat there rotting, for all the world to see." Your way with words stuns me all while bringing on the smile of disgust. What has happened to our country? Do those that voted for him live with regret or relief? Will we rise to take back our nation, our democracy and our pride? We must #VoteBlue

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Jun 14Liked by Noel Casler

"His eyes would cause a madman to change seats" and what followed- amazing, right on and so true.

Old "pigeye" is what I thought of looking at Trump.

It so good I must restock!

Thank you for your contributions here and elsewhere.

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Jun 14Liked by Noel Casler

In all seriousness, you are a gifted writer & should write a book!💖

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Jun 14Liked by Noel Casler


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Jun 14Liked by Noel Casler

I luv it! I hope this stays fiction!!

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