Well said. You write so much from your heart and you have such a way of putting sense to such nonsense in our world. Keep up the good work. Love everything you write and talk about on your podcast. ❤️
Just brilliant. As an academic who is surrounded, even consumed at times, by the trade weakness of "jargon speak," I appreciate being able to read these simple truths that you share. Thank you for your service.
From waking up with hope when I felt the adults were in charge (Obama), it's now a constant feeling of dread today. I watch Biden (quietly, successfully) attempt to right the ship of state the orange asswart continually worked to wreck. The hatred and venom that was loosed by 45 won't be put back in the bottle. Even when cholesterol and karma come for Trump, the powers behind that bloated farce will just find a new puppet and there's so many vying daily for that post.
One more summer before the election. I think people are really “getting it” and thankfully, the media always loves extreme weather. So, they’ve dropped the ball and are so bad on so much but reporting has been good and clearly linked to climate change and all the reasons how.
Honestly, I don’t know the ability for the earth to snap back even if we can change today. I believe it’s worth trying without question. If the GOP stays in we have far less hope. The battle has been long. We have some changes to make that can’t be put off. The GOP must get that message. Thanks for this forum.
Thanks for another great piece. I live in Florida and unfortunately am unable to move out. There are FB groups of people looking for safer places to go once they get out of this hell-hole, I wish I was one of them. I feel for young people trying to raise a family here, I just don't see how they can do it with rising insurance and rent, and this state will be the first to go when climate change really gets worse. But...on a positive note..once DeSantis loses the presidential run, he can't run for Governor again. So there's that.
Another great piece. It should be clear to all that the Conservative movement has eschewed the "pro-life" mantra in favor of "survival of the fittest" in the hope that the vulnerable will die off, the ones the rich perceive as a drain on society.
Sub-humans like DeSantis and Abbott are merely symptoms of the metastasizing cancer formerly known as the GOP enabled by an ignorant and uneducated electorate.
Well said. You write so much from your heart and you have such a way of putting sense to such nonsense in our world. Keep up the good work. Love everything you write and talk about on your podcast. ❤️
Once again you totally hit the nail on the head My Brother! This country is in the pit of Hell and I just hope we can get out before it's too late.
Keep spreading the word of truth My Brother 🙏 🤘
Excellent analysis of how we got here. I'm so grateful you've taken it on yourself to speak truth to power.
Reading your posts always makes me feel lighter just knowing you are here expressing truth beautifully and I appreciate you deeply.♥️
Just brilliant. As an academic who is surrounded, even consumed at times, by the trade weakness of "jargon speak," I appreciate being able to read these simple truths that you share. Thank you for your service.
From waking up with hope when I felt the adults were in charge (Obama), it's now a constant feeling of dread today. I watch Biden (quietly, successfully) attempt to right the ship of state the orange asswart continually worked to wreck. The hatred and venom that was loosed by 45 won't be put back in the bottle. Even when cholesterol and karma come for Trump, the powers behind that bloated farce will just find a new puppet and there's so many vying daily for that post.
Another brilliant commentary where the people who need to read it, won’t be capable of processing it’s truth. Bravo. Again.
Thank you so very much, Noel. I am so grateful for your thoughts.
Another great piece, Noel! With these creeps, the cruelty is the point and it seems there is nothing they wouldn't do to return to yesteryear.
One more summer before the election. I think people are really “getting it” and thankfully, the media always loves extreme weather. So, they’ve dropped the ball and are so bad on so much but reporting has been good and clearly linked to climate change and all the reasons how.
Honestly, I don’t know the ability for the earth to snap back even if we can change today. I believe it’s worth trying without question. If the GOP stays in we have far less hope. The battle has been long. We have some changes to make that can’t be put off. The GOP must get that message. Thanks for this forum.
Wow. Great stuff! Well articulated history lesson. Yikes.
Another spot-on piece, Noel. Thank you. I would just say that IMHO, "creeps" is far too kind of a descriptor for those two.
Thank you, Noel, for putting into words what we all feel and know to be true💙
Thanks for another great piece. I live in Florida and unfortunately am unable to move out. There are FB groups of people looking for safer places to go once they get out of this hell-hole, I wish I was one of them. I feel for young people trying to raise a family here, I just don't see how they can do it with rising insurance and rent, and this state will be the first to go when climate change really gets worse. But...on a positive note..once DeSantis loses the presidential run, he can't run for Governor again. So there's that.
Another great piece. It should be clear to all that the Conservative movement has eschewed the "pro-life" mantra in favor of "survival of the fittest" in the hope that the vulnerable will die off, the ones the rich perceive as a drain on society.
Sub-humans like DeSantis and Abbott are merely symptoms of the metastasizing cancer formerly known as the GOP enabled by an ignorant and uneducated electorate.
It just goes to show how far they will go when they feel so comfortable.
And you are so correct- what are people supposed to do when they run out of insurance companies - like self fund the risk?
WOW that is one scary option! Good thing he is working on the important thi gs. Wouldn't want to read a book or other risks!
"They both look as if they long for the bullwhip." The MAGA GOP in a nutshell.