Another brilliant yet heartbreaking piece, Noel.

I had the good fortune to grow up in post-war Britain., which may seem an oxymoron to some. But it was a society based on fairness. The Welfare State and the National Health Service were demonstrations that our society was supposed to be FAIR FOR EVERYONE. Of course Thatcherism has eroded much of that, as did Reaganomics in the US.

Of course it all boils down to GREED!

Let us pray that the US comes to its senses, before it's too late!

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Glorious….thank you.

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Jun 26Liked by Noel Casler

Your writing today reminded me of a NYTs Sunday Magazine article I read regarding the Kushner properties, mainly in the same area you reference. What I found today was an article from May 23, 2017 that NYT & ProPublica jointly wrote regarding "Jared's 'other'real estate" story ( remember 666 5th Ave NYC was a big story than). What is interesting was what a slum landlord Jared and the other Kushners were. All the same issues: vermin, mold bad plumbing etc. What was worse, they were going after past renters years after they moved out for breaking their leases - just so they could sue them and garnish their paychecks! They actually moved out legally and with notice but after 3 years didn't have the paperwork to prove it.

I recalled that Jared Kushner had made some bad investments and having $$ problems then and on top of being shitty landlords were going after past renters in court for $3 to 5000!

It was such a slime story that it really stayed with me. Most of the people the Kushners were going after didn't have the money or the substancation to backup their claims. Most didn't have the money or the time to hire a lawyer and just paid. Of course, ruining their credit or making life more difficult with the next rental.

Yes, there really are some slime folk out there and Jared Kushner & family, including the Trump's are right up there.

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Jun 25Liked by Noel Casler

Brilliant writing again, Noel! Everything you write exposes the truth. You need to write a book so that many more people will learn about you and your wonderful writing. Thank you for sharing your story. Yes, I will again vote blue if it's the last thing I do.

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I’m sure that part of the power of good generally, is intension. Action is required, but there is no action without intension. To live and love in this world in spite of the kushner’s and others with selfish or even mal intent, is the hurdle. They inspire hatred as they entrap folks with leases, people who look to them for a fair deal. Hatred brings poison to the hater more than the hated, perhaps, or it may simply fuel the downward spiral. It takes two for the game. The poor have few if any choices in a catch 22 system. You are a joy to know and an inspiration dear Noel. You have a great power to bring love to you and we are all glad to help fan the flame. ❤️ Thank you, as always.

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Jun 25Liked by Noel Casler

They have icicles in their veins instead of blood.

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Oh Noel, you often make me cry.

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Thank you for sharing your story, Noel. We can't ever again let jackals like Trump, Kushner, and the cadre of corruption, aka the GOP, dictate policy against the millions who are struggling.

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Jun 25Liked by Noel Casler

Reading your blog today made me want to cry. Your essence is so pure. Please write a book. Please

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Jun 25Liked by Noel Casler

"...we must protect our republic in November and keep working towards a future where equality, compassion and the well-being of others defines our national character." This sums it up perfectly. Again, thanks for a great article. Hugs.

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Jun 25Liked by Noel Casler

I love your perspective. I believe most Americans are with us. We need them to get motivated for the greater good

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Jun 25Liked by Noel Casler

So well written Noel. You’re a beautiful and engaging writer.

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