Apr 9Liked by Noel Casler

I read an interesting article a couple of years ago that posited the reason the US is the way it is, is a result of the American revolution. It compared US society to that of the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, where democracies had evolved more gradually. Yes, England had its own revolution in the 17th century and got rid of its king. However, after a few years decided it wasn't such a good idea and got rid of the Republic.

By and large there is a huge distrust of in the US of its own government, which is not the case in the above mentioned countries, or at least not to the same extent. And "Freedom" Trumps everything (pun not intended)

It also strikes me that a mandatory voting system would eliminate so many problems with US elections. But can you imagine the outcry if that were even suggested?

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Apr 9Liked by Noel Casler

I admire your stamina. You are the gift that keeps on giving and I appreciate your shake up calls. Thanks!

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Apr 8Liked by Noel Casler

Thank you Noel!

Excellent piece!

I should also mention: the choice is Biden or Dictatorship! Also: Project 2025 will be implemented by the next successful R President if Biden wins!

So, regrettably it’s Dems or Dictatorship for every election for the rest of our lives until this GOP goes the way of the Whigs.

On a happier note: more Stephanie Miller appearances and consider Zoom meetings occaisionally for paying subscribers please?

Thank you

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Apr 8Liked by Noel Casler

'Just a chilling piece. Thank you for the heads-up. All I can hope for is that the "good guys" win and we will live to see another day in our country to keep fighting for justice, which seems to be a never-ending fight.

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We could use some bards with music about now dear Spy Noel. I see it now. Pink shorts and all. These folks have been angry and looking for a place to happen or maybe not even angry but some twisted glory hounds. Be safe everyone. We’re living with big and dangerous unknowns everyday. ❤️

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Jeez, Noel. Your take is scary as hell, and probably right. There needs to be more than voting this November. We need to work smarter and move the middle voters to our cause by exposing the orange menace and his henchmen for what they are and want to do to this great nation. Scary shit, Noel. Now what do we do to make sure their Second Coup fails as well…?

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Apr 7Liked by Noel Casler

DeSantis has his own army called the State Guard and they only answer to him. He increased their budget to 100 million this year to add fifteen hundred troops, some air planes and boats. Sounds like he is getting ready for a statewide emergency like the election. Scary stuff.

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Apr 7Liked by Noel Casler

Once again, Noel, you have given me chills. I know you are speaking the truth because in the last couple of years I have been given directions to compounds with tons of weapons (one of them underground) when "things go down". Because I am white, the person who was speaking in each case assumed that I was xenophobic, misogynistic, and racist. Unfortunately, many women are. I do believe that the former guy will lose this election, and he will call out his minions to enact political violence. They are ready and we must be as well. They have to be put down quickly. We have to preserve this democracy.💙

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Apr 7Liked by Noel Casler

🙄 I may never sleep again...

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