The Noel I’ve come to absolutely love. Thank you. 🙏 One moment at a time.

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Fabulous but terrifying essay. We have to stand together and take our chance when it comes available.

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Your eloquence is inspiring, Noel. How tragic that the subject is so terrifying. That this evil man has been elected by the pig-ignorant voters in the US, is a tragedy that we in the rest of the world will have to endure.

Who remembers Hillary warning in 2015 of a vast right-wing conspiracy? How right she was!

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Noel, you have voiced the feelings many of us have. Tomorrow on January 20th at 12 o'clock we are asking people to TURN OFF their TV for 'Boycott Inauguration Day!' in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a great man of PEACE! We want this inauguration sham to be the most unwatched event in the history of America. Dr. King was an advocate of nonviolence, so using an old-school form of non-violent protest such as this will be an action of which I'm sure Dr. King would approve. WE, the PEOPLE, have a VOICE even when we are silent. Let the maga cult and drumpf hear us loudly and clearly as we 'Boycott Inauguration Day!'

You are correct that we must stick together and remember that we are in this struggle to not only save the planet from Climate Change but to give generations that follow a future. Even the maga cultists will suffer, because tornadoes, earthquakes, raging fires, floods, drought, rising oceans, and hurricanes don't discriminate according to party or a bank account. drumpf and his minions may "drill, drill, drill," but we will all pay dearly. God bless you for speaking the truth!

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Ah Noel. You are so eloquent at summing it all up. I have two kids on the cusp of adulthood and I am so sad for them. It’s a fucking tragedy to see my country looted and their future squandered.

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....black as your soul,

I'd rather die,

Than give you control.....

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Thank you Noel for your positive thoughts that help the spirit in these dark days. It is more of a gut punch than mango man winning are the ridiculous and incompetent people he is giving crucial government jobs to. It is disgraceful and frightens me. Has anyone ever had a job interview where they told the interviewer if they get this position they will stop drinking?Thank you Noel for all you do! Good luck to all of us tomorrow! 💙

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Bracing myself from here in Canada, it's gonna be tough to watch the inauguration tomorrow! With the change of leadership across the globe, democracy is in peril everywhere.

Keep the faith. Peace ☮️

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"Axis of avarice." Perfeck.

And we must be the Allies, fighting this new tyranny in a cyberwar.

Remember when the DOJ broke Microsoft up as part of their dedication to antitrust? Those were the days. We need to bring them back. Tech snuck up on us. We didn't realize the danger...but we know it now. The techligarchy needs to be shredded.

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Thank you Noel. Your writing always calms me.

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Your words offered me comfort Noel, thank you.

Tomorrow has been a dreaded event in my heart, I feel like we are ushering in the wolf to the chicken coop. Banding together and calling out the orange idiot is how we survive and get through this.

I genuinely believe that there's more of "Us" versus "them", their billions cannot generate support except to the corrupted lot that is about to asend to power.

I stopped feeling guilty for checking and HOPING that he's passed away during the night...we deserve better than a diaper wearing, illiterate moron.

A kumbaya for the loss of integrity won't help quell the absolute terror many have for his dismantling of integrity we are about to experience... 💙✊🏼

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Jan 19
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Happy Birthday!

My Mama shared your birthday and I just know she's whirling around in her urn enraged that the piece of shit is about to get power. Wish she could facilitate a stroke or heart attack.

Come on Mama...make it happen!! 💙

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Thank you Mr. Casler for helping articulate my grief, our grief, while still encouraging mercy and tolerance for our woefully ignorant, gullible fellow countrymen. It's a lot easier to be contemptuous than empathetic: While we'll all suffer, people less lucky than I am who voted for this will suffer a lot more. But any satisfaction that they fucking well deserve what they get is slim pickings spiritually.

On a pragmatic note, we need nuclear energy. Yes, it will benefit Elon Musk and the viability of his electric cars, but it's also an energy-dense, safe, clean source of power. "Green" rejection of this solution, (which god damn we should have been investing in for decades now), is as unscientific, anti-scientific, as the whole-hog embrace of the fossil fuels that are killing millions of people every year with air pollution alone--never mind climate change.

I'll climb off my soapbox now, and I'm going to try not to abandon hope. There are so many good people, doing good things, and I know a decent chunk of them got duped. I'm trying to forgive.

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Thank you, Noel, for your final thoughts. I am so angry all the time that sometimes a word of love really helps.

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