Your posts on threads are simply incredible. I feel like I am reading a novel that is being written in real time. It is unlike any other type of writing. It is a new genre, and you are the creator of it. Your insider knowledge and writing skills combine to create this surreal reality. I just want to say thank you.

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Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke while in office and his wife ran things on the down low. Reagan developed Alzheimer’s and Nancy held it together. JFK had Addison's and chronic back pain. I think Biden’s SOTU was a disaster for the naysayers. Mike the muppet sat behind him nodding and grimacing. The fact that the Republican members headed for the exits PDQ and Ms Britt’s rebuttal from the kitchen were telling a story. Russias economy is struggling. Not circling the drain yet but inflation means regular folks are limited in the food they can buy. Putin is rotten jealous of America. I wish these cultists could wake up and realize how this evil troll is using American politicians to destroy a great nation.

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Putin doesn’t give a rats tail about trump! He is a tool but dumb ass trump doesn’t realize this! Speaker ( what’s his name) is a strange duck and has a black son that no one has seen! President Biden has a wonderful track record and his age doesn’t bother me one bit! I’m voting for President Biden!

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Mar 7Liked by Noel Casler

Pressure needs to be put on Democrats to make sure races do not go uncontested. Voting “blue” for POTUS is good. We can ALL do that. But down-ballot races are another story and those matter even more. I encourage everyone to learn more about the number of down ballot races that go uncontested in this country. It makes the whole mantra “Vote Blue” seem a little ridiculous.

The closer to home the, the quicker the impact of policies enacted. Those downballot races impact you and your loved ones most.

I’ll take a decent Independent over a MAGA or MAGA-acting Democrat. I’ve seen the latter. People need to really vet these people because “vote blue no matter who” makes it easy for a person who supports some MAGA policies to run as a Dem and decide to switch parties when they’ve seen how much fame and money they can collect. Integrity matters. Biden has it.

We have to make sure other candidates with it run, too.

Because can’t fix what’s wrong if there isn’t someone wanting to fix it on our ballots. Democrats in national and state leadership positive can and have to help out here.

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Mar 6Liked by Noel Casler

I can’t help but look at the electorate who comprise Trump’s dedicated cultists…err, base. These Trump supporters are the result of the GOP’s “dumbing” of Americans. This began back in the civil rights movement (maybe before I back rooms). If you were a product of the Southern Public School system you were taught to hate and your parents instilled and reinforced said hate. It creeped north and in fear of not toeing the party line, these people spread hate. Too long a story to cite all incidents but this “Trump” love is the result…fear of the other, the smarter, without any realization that they’re being seduced and lied to. It’s a truly frightening scenario and all I can hope for is that there are enough of us who don’t blame the government or President for our lot in life. Think people. Think hard and realize that President Biden is our guy…he needs to be re-elected in November or America as we’ve known our entire lives will be no more…and frankly that scares the crap out if me.

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Mar 4Liked by Noel Casler

I was reading The NY Times in my local library and found the attacks on Biden to be outrageous!Combine that with the news of the 16 year prison term for the young Airmen who shared classified documents on right wing platforms! Perhaps this reasoning rot is a side affect of MAGA membership. The recent decision of the Supreme Court to hear the immunity case is terrifying because all the briefs are at their fingertips and prove what we all saw. Republicans keep trying to defend the indefensible! What a waste of taxpayer funds, Rally on Jan6 $6 million, cost of repairs and National Guard wages $530 million for the insurrection, but not a word about those costs from the alleged fiscal conservatives.Sadly history does repeat itself, but those of us who watched and learned refuse to let it happen again!

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Mar 4Liked by Noel Casler

I can only believe that the MSM find it to their benefit to NOT show Trump’s repeated displays of mental deterioration.

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Mar 4Liked by Noel Casler

Every Republican administration has been involved in mafia-like activity, connecting criminal elements with US politicians, i.e. transnational organized crime. Trump is just the last one in a long tradition, difference is that he did this out in the open. Drugs, weapons, trafficking, you name it. Lucky it seems that the current adm (from Obama on) are going after the big bosses. Just look at all the international mafia busting that has happened the last couple of years. That's the real reason the GOP, Putin etc are hell bent on installing their guy. That's why they hated Obama and now Biden.

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Hi Noel, check out tonight’s interview with Lev Parnas…worth watching.


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Mar 4Liked by Noel Casler

Noel, you are 💯 right as always! But the fact that the US has descended this far is beyond terrifying! For those of your readers who are on the outside looking in, like me, it seems totally inexplicable! That a large number of US voters are in bed with the despicable Putin should shame any American who is still capable of shame.

Putin, who has been responsible for the deaths of so many of his brave opponents. And most recently has killed the bravest of all: Navalny! It's beyond belief!

FFS wake up America, it's nearly too late!!

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Mar 4Liked by Noel Casler

All participating in and all supporting this Putin Party Shit Show are acting in a treasonous manner. Period.

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Mar 3Liked by Noel Casler

I’m sure Moscow Mike kissed a large backside during his trip down south. I also consider the age story is an election interference op by another country. Anyone who perpetuates that story is as guilty as the country that started the lie.

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Mar 3Liked by Noel Casler

The sadness and despair seems endless….our only hope ….VOTE BLUE💙

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Mar 3Liked by Noel Casler

Given all that Biden has accomplished, absent the support of an insurrectionist Congress and a Supreme Court that never missed an opportunity to publicly and privately soil itself, the only thing that can be said to an electorate anxious about his age is summed up in this freely-translated Yiddishism:

"What's the matter? The bride is too beautiful?

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Please join "Women for Biden/Harris" and share with everyone you know!

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Mar 3Liked by Noel Casler

The choice should be so simple. You either want to live under a dictator or in a democracy. Wake up America. This is serious and frankly I'm terrified of the right. So glad my Dad isn't here to witness this debacle. A life long Democrat, he wouldn't believe it. Than you, Noel for speaking out and speaking the truth.

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