I often wonder how M ended up here and still married. Via R mob? She seems to be fairly independent and strong willed. While stories of abuse swirl around wife #1. Thanks for giving voice to so many of our observations and concerns. I continue to appreciate your bravery, your satiric takes on the characters straight out of Gotham City as well as appeals to our better selves. Your candor about your own struggles should inspire all to keep up the work!

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Imagine the Joy of terminating Trump on November 5, so stay clear-eyed and bring everyone you know to vote the Blue Ticket. Then reset for the March to the Inauguration. Simple.

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HELP!! You know important people! Do something!

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It’s not important people that will stop Trump, it’s regular people who will stop him by showing up and voting.

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I know….I was kind of joking…sorry for the confusion. I was on the Gore/ Lieberman recount committee in Florida in 2000….38 days and nights of working to get every vote counted and then Obama campaign in Florida in 2008 where we chased down every single vote!!

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Oct 11Liked by Noel Casler

This quote: "He is, without any doubt, the worst person to seek office in my lifetime." applies to me as well. I am petrified thinking about what our world will be with him in charge. I am horrified to think this is the world my grands and great grands are being handed. And yes, I cringe thinking about my robust savings account disappearing along with my medical insurance. He is the most evil person on earth and that includes Putin and Kim. I am trying to convince others every day and alienating friends along the way- friends that will likely suffer along with me at the hands of their red vote. Please keep writing the truth and I will continue to spread your words as best I can. #Votebluedowntheballot #voteblue

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Oct 11Liked by Noel Casler

I believe you just put into words what our deepest fears are. I am so frightened of the violence he wants and the SCOTUS handing him the presidency - !'ve seen that before!! I have cult members in our family - I tried to reach out with some truth. It did not work, they have the wool pulled over their eyes, nothing conservative or Christian about tfg! Wish we could get thru to them before we live in Nazi Germany.

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My niece votes how her husband tells her to vote- always red. She is so manipulated and my only family member to vote red. My heart breaks for us.

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That is a thing with the super conservatives - they also have issues letting their women partners have their freedom from their husbands plans for them. Reminds you of other women controlling cults. My Mom was a Christian, she believed marriage was a 50/50 union. She was actually a women's liberation thinker, but did not formally know it. Believed every woman needed some sort of training/education to making her independent and able to care for herself. Proud of what she taught me. She believed in women's independence and not being held back. Luck my Dad was a GEM!!

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Oct 11Liked by Noel Casler

Bit of an insult to weeds... which can actually be ridiculously pretty. But I forgive you, Noel. 😊😘 Other than that, I am sadly still scared shitless that he will win. I simply DO NOT want to even imagine living in an overly evil, vile & criminal world where the drumph dynasty rules. 😡

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Loving Joe’s most caring and strong statement saying, “There isn’t anything we can’t do, when we do it together.” We’re on the cusp of something new. What it looks like is up to us all. The striking divisions have to start to come together. So far, there’s a great opportunity and beginning with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Thank you Noel. 🙏❤️

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