Well written article. I feel the same as you, but alas there are too many spineless opportunists who are on Trumps team and everyone has to be on a “team” or in a group. Too many humans whose whole identity is: Trump supporter, golfer, Christian, etc. The thought of not being in their selected group or not having their identity freaks them out so they double down. Just wish more people were their own person and wanted everyone to succeed and be happy. 😎

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Jan 25Liked by Noel Casler

Is there any chance of you being interviewed about Trump by the mainstream media to get this stuff out to a wider audience?

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Jan 24Liked by Noel Casler

Another brilliant essay. Well done.

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Jan 23Liked by Noel Casler

Thanks for another great article. Many great points to think about. It's sad that immigrants want to stop immigration. I hope this will be one of the many issues that will get voters to the polls this year. We need to get everyone to VOTE!

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I have a "thing" about spelling names correctly. I see her first name spelled both Nimarata and Nimrata. Which is correct?

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Jan 23Liked by Noel Casler

Beautifully written and on point. Very well said! To your point about immigrants, my grandfather was an illegal immigrant. He came here in 1919 for three weeks and never left. He eventually became President of Republic Aviation which built the P47, an aircraft instrumental in WWII. I love telling that story to the fools who rail against illegals. You never know who they will become or how far they will go. We are a nation of immigrants. It is our unique strength. We need to embrace it.

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Fear causes more problems than anything else. It seems like the difficulties in the world are always caused by real or imaginary fears. Keep on being brave and sharing your perspective.

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Brilliant article. You speak truth.

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Jan 23Liked by Noel Casler

Once again you’ve hit the nail on the head. This country was made great by all of the different people who came here hoping to make America their home. Irish carpenters, Italian stone masons, French chefs and everyone in between made America great. With the exception of Native Americans, we are all immigrants.

Those people running around screaming America first! refuse to help house, clothe or feed the hungry right here in America. They care so much about our Vets that they gut funding to the VA and try to take away their healthcare. America leads the world in many ways. Correcting our broke immigration system and affording people the respect and dignity they deserve would be a good start to making America strong again.

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On the matter of Nikki Hailey, I feel that she is missing the strength that she would have had if she had not tried so hard to erase Nimrata. I'm not sure how being so at odds with oneself, one's immigrant roots, one's true parents names, can ever lead to anything of substance. Turning on one's strongest roots and all that power is kind of choosing to think going against the wind is one's best opportunity. Youd' think one's best foot forward wouldn't be choosing to hide. Nikki with two k's...

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Jan 23Liked by Noel Casler

So many excellent points

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Jan 23Liked by Noel Casler

Great points. It would be nice if we didn’t spend $800 billion a year on the military industrial complex.

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Jan 23Liked by Noel Casler

Well written truth.

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Jan 22Liked by Noel Casler

Terrific as always, Noel!

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Jan 22Liked by Noel Casler

Well done Noel.

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The echo of wwii is louder everyday. I grew up in its rebuilding efforts but the cartoons and movies I watched were from pre war and war days. Heads blown off and daisies sprouted from ducks in GI uniforms. All encompassing efforts were spawned to help the war effort. Coffee, eggs, butter all in short supply. Support our troops. Knock down Hitler, make fun of him. Mel Brooks was born to make “the producers” to further disparage Hitler legacy. We are in for it and it will be different but just as serious. Fact emerges that evil rises until we collectively push it down or back to manageable levels. Noel, brilliant headline. No, we didn’t start it, we also can’t ignore it.

Beautiful, strong writing, dear Noel.❤️ 🙏

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